Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Belgium: Jews are Nazis, Trump is a Nazi - guess who isn't a Nazi?

Luc Descheemaeker (aka O-Sekoer) is a Belgian cartoonist who won an 'honourable mention' in Iran's Holocaust-denying cartoon contest.

You would think that this would make him a pariah.  But apparently not.  Belgian media proudly report that his new cartoon, comparing Trump to Hitler, is a hit.  They just forgot to mention that he supports people who openly incite to kill Jews.

Jewish reporter Cnaan Liphshiz wrote about how this case made his realize that Belgian society simply does not care about antisemitism.

Nothing has changed since.

Descheemaeker thinks Jews are Nazis:

Another antisemitic Descheemaeker cartoon:


Descheemaeker thinks Trump is a Nazi:

Sadly, in this case, this cartoon says more about Descheemaeker and Belgian society than it does about Trump.

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